Spain has installed 5.6GW of ground-mounted capacity in 2023, up 28% from 2022, according to the country’s transmission system operator, Red Eléctrica.
Italian grid operator Terna has planned to invest €16.5 billion (US$18 billion) in the next five years to strengthen and expand Italy’s transmission grid.
Polish transmission system operator (TSO) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE) has planned to invest PLN64 billion (US$16 billion) in new transmission lines by 2034.
The US’ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) that aims to address transmission grid planning and cost allocation issues in order to open up access to more renewable energy projects.
Italy’s transmission system operator Terna will invest €18.1 billion (US$21.4 billion) in the next ten years to strengthen the country’s grid and support the integration of new clean energy projects.